[From the 2002 Winter Solstice Newsletter]

A Gift from the Masters to Lightworkers. . .

Light Intensive
December 1-21

Without leaving home, join thousands of lightworkers for twenty-one days in a group effort to increase the Light we carry, and therefore the service we can do on the planet!

From Antera:

The Masters recently informed me that they will be holding a space of rapid spiritual evolution for anyone who wants to take advantage of it, from December 1 through December 21 this year, culminating on the winter solstice. They will be focusing a tremendous Light on all of us who open to receive it during this time period.

The more people who participate, the stronger the group energy and the more benefit we will all receive, as we uplift each other. This is a time for intense spiritual work in your own way, focusing especially on increasing your Light. If you ask, your guidance may provide you with a prescribed program, or you can use the guidelines I have put together from what the masters have told me (see below).

If you are close to undergoing a spiritual initiation, the fast increase in Light you can gain from this intensive may fulfill your requirements ahead of schedule, enabling you to progress and pass your spiritual tests quickly. The masters anticipate that many will be undergoing initiations during this time--such is the power of their radiation of Light to us and the amplification of this energy by the group. Plus, if you have become lax in your spiritual work, this twenty-one day period can also serve as a powerful jump-start for personal practice.

The higher our initiatory level and the more Light we carry, the more service we can do for the world, and as lightworkers, that is what we came here for!

I urge you to take this opportunity to move forward quickly into larger world service. Please tune to your guidance, listen to your intuition, read the guidelines and bring in the Light! This is a tremendous opportunity, and it is starting soon!

Join us in Death Valley on the solstice to celebrate your initiations. If you can't be there in person, send your spirit body to gather the energy we generate together!

Some Guidelines for the Twenty-One Day Light Intensive

1) If you have a spiritual practice, intensify it during the twenty-one days. If you don't, do some reading and establish one that you think you can maintain for at least this period of time.

2) If you think you are up for initiation, make a formal request to the Masters to take it and move to your next level. This can be done telepathically in meditation, or by writing the request down and reading it. Figure out what level you are on, if possible, to make the process more conscious.

3) Call Light to you many times during the day. This only takes a few seconds but really builds Light fast.

4) Every day, read books that are inspirational, uplifting, and spiritual, even if it is only a couple of pages. Stay away from other reading during this time.

5) Look at everyone you come upon as an expression of God/Goddess and treat them as such.

6) Forgive, forgive, forgive--anyone (including yourself) and any situation you may be harboring a grudge against, for holding on only hurts you and impedes your progress.

7) Stay away from activities that unbalance you. This may mean no TV or news, to keep your mental energies pure and focused on spiritual concepts. It may also mean staying away from certain people or situations that drain your energy. Use protective energy methods if you need them, such as surrounding yourself with a bubble of Light or carrying a crystal or other power object.

8) First thing in the morning: Strive to make your first thought upon waking be one of calling the Divine Light. Recite your prayer request to go to your next level of Light, keeping it by your bed. Also, keep a journal by your bed to write dreams in. Many initiations happen during the night while we are out in our soul bodies, and by writing them down right when you wake up, you won't forget.

9) Journaling: During the day, write down your insights, meditation experiences, and any communications you get from your guidance. Being diligent with this is important for the initiation process.

10) Meditation: Make sure you have time at least twice a day to sit and take in Divine energies and communicate with your guidance, even if it is only for ten minutes. Do longer periods when you can. Concentrate on increasing your Light. Whenever we ask, we get a shower of Light. Call the names of masters you work with, and chant the names of God/Goddess.

11) Last thing at night: Recite your prayer again the last thing before sleep, and make sure your last thoughts are of calling more Light to you. Ask your Higher Presence and the Masters to teach you during sleep.

12) Diet: This is a period of cleansing. The quickest way to gain more Light is to remove anything blocking it. So adjust your diet accordingly, for more cleansing. At the very least, cut out meat and dairy products and add more vegetables and fruit so your body will be purified. Many people will fast or do a modified fast with some fruit and vegetable juices. Follow your guidance on this, and listen to your body. I suggest at least some modifications to diet, however slight, to mark this period and demonstrate that you have control of your body's appetites.

13) Physical flow: Pay attention to your body, making sure the flow of energy throughout is strong. Your body needs to handle a greater volume and different frequencies of energy to take on more Light. Every day, use whatever tools you have to assess and remove any blockages to the increased flow, such as flower essences, meridian work, yoga, visualizations of Light and energy flow, and deliberate breathing.

14) Emotional flow: Staying emotionally balanced is also very important during this time. When you bring in more Light, issues may come up to be addressed, because they block the increased flow. Address any upsets as soon as they come up, so the emotional energy can be released. Use safe methods of release that do not affect anyone near you, such as blowing out forcefully (anger), weeping (sadness), shaking (fear). Meditate on the deeper causes of the upsets, remembering that you are seldom upset at what you first think you are. Chanting sacred sounds or the names of God helps pull you out of upsets.

15) Mental flow: During this time, your thoughts are more important than ever, because the more Light you carry, the more impact your thoughtforms can have in your life and the world. Watch your thoughts carefully, to make sure they are positive and Light-enhancing. Reprogram any subconscious thoughts that are creating obstacles in your life, as they come to the surface to be noticed. Also, identify which thoughts are mass thoughtforms you are tapping into, rather than originating with you.

May the greatest Light be with you!

A Few Favorite Books

On Initiations:
Initiations, Human and Solar (and others) by Alice Bailey
The Complete Ascension Manual by Joshua David Stone
Initiation in the Great Pyramid by Earlyne Chaney
Mahatma I & II by Brian Grattan

On Energy Flows:
Energy Medicine by Donna Eden
Flower Essences by Michaelle Small Wright

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