Register for
Embodying Grace
Free Meditation with Antera and Omaran

December 21 at 10 am Pacific Time

Join the live broadcast by phone or listen to the recording afterwards. Info for playback of the recording will be sent soon after the event.

If you don't want any new crystals, register for the event by clicking here: Register Now.

The personal Atlantean Crystals are optional for this event but will enhance your experience. These are quartz crystals programmed in the Mt Shasta Pyramid to connect with you through your picture and to the Master Atlantean Crystals: the Om Crystal inside Mt Shasta (most important) and the Communication, Healing, and Knowledge Crystals in Arkansas. To order any, click below and send a full-length photo of yourself alone, large enough to print, for programming your crystal.

For international shipping, please contact us to make sure we can ship to your country in time and for shipping cost.

Sorry, but it is now too late to program and ship crystals in time for the event.

New Om Crystal, programmed and shipped to a US address: $67
(crystal 55, shipping 12) Please order before December 10.
New Communication Crystal, programmed and shipped to a US address: $67
(crystal 55, shipping 12) Please order before December 10.
New Healing Crystal, programmed and shipped to a US address: $67
(crystal 55, shipping 12) Please order before December 10.
New Knowledge Crystal, programmed and shipped to a US address: $67
(crystal 55, shipping 12) Please order before December 10.
All four crystals, programmed and shipped to a US address: $245
(crystals 55 each, shipping 25) Please order before December 10.
Three crystals, programmed and shipped to a US address: $187
(crystals 55 each, shipping 22) Please order before December 10. Email to let us know which crystals you want.
Two crystals, programmed and shipped to a US address: $125
(crystals 55 each, shipping 15) Please order before December 10. Email to let us know which crystals you want.