
Path of Light Webinar
April 14, 21, and 28, 10-11:30am PDT
Once you have been on the spiritual path for a while, it is time to learn more about the journey from a higher perspective. In this class you will examine more advanced aspects of this path, as well as what lies beyond enlightenment. These teachings give you the understanding needed to follow your path of spirituality more smoothly and quickly. You will learn some exciting esoteric concepts as well as practical guidance that can be applied daily.
- spiritual initiations while human and beyond
- spiritual anatomy as a human and in the higher dimensions
- seven planes of reality
- advanced paths after enlightenment
- states of consciousness
- getting attention from Beings of Light
- choosing your life before birth and between lives
- building the antakarana and light quotient
- maya, glamour, and illusion
- kundalini energy
- and more!
Antera is a spiritual teacher and counselor, intuitive healer, author, and channeler. She lives in Mt Shasta with her twin flame and husband Omaran, where they founded the nonprofit Center for Soul Evolution and Order of the Blue Snake, and built the Mt Shasta Pyramid. For more info on her see their websites twinsong.us and soulevolution.org.
Cost: $122
Register now.
Prerequisites: Introduction to the Spiritual Path and Optimal Human Beingness.