The Spirits of great mountains around the world have put out a call! We have the monumental opportunity to hear what they have to say in this event. Ascended Master White Buffalo Calf Woman, who has been very involved with our land healing work, asked us to convene an unprecedented conclave between these beings and the lightworkers who heed this call. We have been given a list of the sacred mountains who want to have a voice in this conclave, and each will be adopted by one or more participants for this project. The earlier you register, the more choice you will have about which mountain you work with. You will be guided through the process of connecting with your mountain, so you can receive the messages or energy it wants to present to you personally and to humanity. We will give these special beings gifts in exchange. All of this will be done from our homes. The energy has already been set up and the mountain spirits are preparing. This is a once-in-many-lifetimes opportunity! ![]() It is the call of the sacred mountains, the mountain spirits around the world, and they are awakening at a very fast rate now. The Earth Healing Grid you have been putting in place has caused them to pay attention to what is happening on this planet. I am talking about great beings who have only awakened once every few hundred years to check out what is going on, and then have gone back to sleep when humans did not meet their criteria of being worthy of contact and working together. And there are some who have been slumbering for many thousands of years, and who gave up on humans completely. They are coming out of their slumber, and are now open to communicating with and working with the humans who are here to awaken consciousness. The mountain spirits can help speed up humanity's progress and evolution, as well as the Earth's evolution, in a much greater way than any other beings. Remember far back to days when people did communicate with these mountain beings regularly, work with them, and use their knowledge and wisdom. People who are drawn to this will know who they are. The mountains will call them.
Cost: $144 |