First Monday of each Month
4:00-5:30pm Pacific Time

Clear the slate on your personal and ancestral histories! Being on a spiritual path requires that we all heal limiting and painful energies from our past. This brings us more into present time so we can create our perfect lives now, even while our world is undergoing big changes.

This series of powerful webinars targets patterns that Antera has found repeatedly in clients through the years. Almost everyone holds these energies inside, often without being conscious of them, until they are brought up and released. This clearing of limiting patterns includes this lifetime as well as past lives.

Sessions will include Emotional Freedom Techniques, guided meditations, and affirmations so you can continue integration afterwards. This is an inexpensive way to make big changes in your life!

"Thanks for facilitating these classes! I've experienced some great shifts during each one!"

"The pairing of EFT with a directed meditation is brilliant. In the simplest of terms, the EFT part grinds it all up and the meditation part flushes it all away."

"I have very much benefitted from your webinar series Letting It All Go! These webinars were just as you characterized them, powerful, effective and fast."

2025 TOPICS:

February 3: LONELINESS
Clearing patterns of loneliness helps you feel more content and whole now, no matter who is around you. Feeling lonely stems from a belief in separation, which is an illusion. You are never really alone. And even when you don't have human companions, you can still have a sense of contentment. Healing perceived loneliness in your past also opens the way for attracting more companions in the present.

No earthly mother is perfect, and everyone gets imprinted by childhood patterns from them. These affect your behavior, thoughts, self image, and ability to love yourself and others. Healing your relationship with your mom is critical to having healthy relationships in adulthood and a happy life.

Childhood patterns learned from your earthly father also affect your self image, confidence, and ability to have healthy relationships as an adult. Clearing these and forgiving is essential.

This pattern causes you to want things to stay the same, to have a sense of safety and control. You may resist making changes that you know you need to make. Or when you experience sudden change, you may feel insecure. Shocking events and sudden changes in your past are often underneath this pattern. Healing it helps you be centered and calm no matter what chaos is around you.

Beliefs about lack or not enough to go around and fears about not having enough come from experiences when you had scarcity in your past. There can also be vows of poverty that are still in effect, and times of starvation can affect current eating habits. Let these go to create a healthy relationship with money.

June 30 (one week early): NOT FULLY PRESENT
The first chakra can hold resistance to being grounded and fully present in your body and in your life. Not being fully grounded means you lack basic sources of energy that are very important to human beings. No amount of spiritual energies can be integrated without this. It is a common problem with many lightworkers. Being in present time requires being in the body.

When you are intolerant of the opinions or behaviors of others, you create resistance and stress for yourself. You can never change other people, so you need to accept them as they are to develop more peace within. Clearing out times you have felt critical of others helps bring more tolerance and eventually acceptance and happiness.

September 1: WORLD WAR I
The two world wars left scars on humanity, ones we all carry. In past lives, you may have been involved in the fighting, been injured or killed, or experienced emotional pain such as loss, anger, or fear. Or maybe some of your ancestors were harmfully affected. Clearing this emotional and physical pain makes it easier for all of us to have peace in the current world.

October 6: WORLD WAR II
The two world wars left scars on humanity, ones we all carry. In past lives, you may have been involved in the fighting, been injured or killed, or experienced emotional pain such as loss, anger, or fear. Or maybe some of your ancestors were harmfully affected. Clearing this emotional and physical pain makes it easier for all of us to have peace in the current world.

For over 30 years, Antera has been a psychic healer, spiritual counselor and teacher, EFT practitioner, author, and channeler. She lives in Mt Shasta with her twin flame and husband Omaran, where they founded the nonprofit Center for Soul Evolution and built the Mt Shasta Pyramid. For more info on her see their websites and

Cost: each session $35. All nine: $280 (one free)
Includes a recording of the guided meditation presented in class, for your personal use.

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