Accelerating the OM on the Equinox
Free Meditation on September 22 at 7:00am Pacific Time

An Energy Broadcast from Mt Shasta for Lightworkers
Through the Ascension Accelerator and the Om Crystal

The Atlantean Om Master Crystal inside Mt Shasta is being attuned with the Christ Consciousness Ascension Accelerator (CA). The CA is a new structure on the sacred mountain, designed by Archangel Metatron and Ascended Masters. This structure propels spiritual initiates forward along their highest evolutionary path, clearing the way. The masters and angels with Antera and Omaran are offering this special broadcast as a gift for lightworkers and the Earth on the powerful Autumnal Equinox, at sunrise.

This is an amazing opportunity to give yourself a huge boost forward toward your ascension, and to release resistance such as emotional pain and negative thoughts that have gotten in the way of your spiritual path. This will be a benevolent blast!

This broadcast will have contributions from the Planetary, Solar, Galactic, and Universal Logoi, as well as the Ray Chohans and others of the planetary level. By sending their transmissions through the CA, they will be enhanced many times over for humanity to take in and integrate into their lives and Earth.

A personal Om Crystal of Isis is required for participation. If you don't yet have one, we can customize one for you and mail it if you register early enough, by September 10 (US addresses). This quartz crystal will be programmed to align with you through your name and picture inside the Mt Shasta Pyramid, by Isis and other Ascended Masters. You will receive a recording to help you connect with your new crystal, to listen to before the event.

This event will not be recorded. It is a live broadcast only, by phone. During the event, Antera and Omaran will facilitate the energy flows while sitting inside the CA. If you cannot attend the phone meditation live but want to participate, you can tell your Om Crystal to gather the energy for you and place it in a special place to receive the broadcast. Pick it up and meditate with it as soon as you can afterwards.

We hope you will join us! Register by sending your request to centerforsoulevolution @ (take out the spaces), or click here.

Antera and Omaran are a twin flame couple who live in Mt Shasta, California. They have taught spiritual growth classes for over 30 years. They are the founders of Center for Soul Evolution with its Mystery School, the Order of the Blue Snake, and the Land Healing Project. They built the Mt. Shasta Pyramid and the Christ Consciousness Ascension Accelerator.

Cost: FREE!
To Register: send an email to centerforsoulevolution @ (take out spaces), or click here.

Cost for a new Om Crystal: $55 plus shipping.
For a crystal, you will need to email a full-length picture of yourself alone. Please allow two weeks for the programming and shipping in the US, three weeks for international addresses.

Register now

Center for Soul Evolution is a nonprofit organization.
Donations are appreciated and tax-deductible!