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The Council of Seven
2024 New Year Message

St Germain
2023 New Year Message

2022 New Year Message

St. Germain
2021 New Year Message

St. Germain
Collective Initiation

White Buffalo Calf Woman
My Dream of Uniting All Tribes

Rising Out of Polarity
More on Antera & Omaran

Mt Shasta

What is Divine Presence?

What is so special
about Mt Shasta?

Our Mystery School

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to receive our occasional emails:

River Blessing Project

Join in this ongoing effort to raise consciousness all over the world by doing a blessing on a creek or river near you! We were asked by Silver Horse, a Native American ancestor spirit, if we could bless the major rivers as we were traveling and doing land healing. So we developed a method to do this, spreading energies of higher consciousness and healing.


Center for Soul Evolution is a nonprofit organization. Your donations are tax-deductible. Help us uplift humanity and our planet into higher consciousness!

Upcoming Classes and Events

Webinar, April 17 - July 31
Advanced Spiritual Healing
Advanced techniques to enhance your healing practice, develop a new one, or heal yourself. Powerful, deep processes from Antera's successful practice with thousands of clients and issues. Prerequisite: Building Awareness II: Psychic Senses

June 21-23, 2024 in Mt Shasta
Initiations in the Order of Melchizedek
Our annual spiritual gathering. Being initiated into this cosmic order in the presence of spiritual family and friends is highly profound and transformative, and puts you in a closer relationship with the Ascended Masters. Meet many beautiful, like-minded souls while you speed up your evolution.

Webinar, July 8
Letting It All Go! Releasing Karma and Pain from Your Past
Clear the slate on your personal and ancestral histories! Being on a spiritual path requires that we all heal limiting and painful energies from our past. This is a series of powerful webinars that target patterns most people carry, bringing them to light for healing.

Webinar, July 9 - August 13
Building Awareness I: Psychic Protection
As you build more awareness of the non-physical universe, it is very important that you understand how to claim and protect your personal energy field. Energy-sensitive people often draw in energies or attention that can distract, influence, or harm them. Prerequisite: Optimal Human Beingness

Webinar, July 20 - August 3
Initiation into the Order of the Blue Snake
Join an amazing group of lightworkers and get tools for your empowerment! Healing energies from Divine Mother for yourself, your life, and the world.

Webinar, August 1 - 29
Aligning Forces: Creating Change Using Energy from Nature and Spirit
Learn how to tap into the forces all around you in nature and the elements as well as in spiritual sources, then to direct these energies toward a physical goal in powerful ceremonies.

Webinar, August 5
Letting It All Go! Releasing Karma and Pain from Your Past
Clear the slate on your personal and ancestral histories! Being on a spiritual path requires that we all heal limiting and painful energies from our past. This is a series of powerful webinars that target patterns most people carry, bringing them to light for healing.

Webinar, September 2
Letting It All Go! Releasing Karma and Pain from Your Past
Clear the slate on your personal and ancestral histories! Being on a spiritual path requires that we all heal limiting and painful energies from our past. This is a series of powerful webinars that target patterns most people carry, bringing them to light for healing.

Webinar, October 7
Letting It All Go! Releasing Karma and Pain from Your Past
Clear the slate on your personal and ancestral histories! Being on a spiritual path requires that we all heal limiting and painful energies from our past. This is a series of powerful webinars that target patterns most people carry, bringing them to light for healing.

Webinar, October 17 - November 21
Building Awareness III: Spirit Guides
Develop your ability to get information and guidance from Beings of Light who can speed your spiritual evolution. You will learn how to discern high-level guides, how to work with them, and what to expect as you learn conscious verbal channeling in a safe space. Prerequisite: Building Awareness II: Psychic Senses, Parts 1 and 2

Webinar, October 15 - November 19
Shifting Into Peace: Taking Humanity and Nature through the Next Evolutionary Step
This is for people who love the Earth and humanity and want to help in a very tangible way during this very critical time. To create peace in the world, we must have peace within ourselves and with nature. You will develop inner peace while living in world chaos, as well as learn a field process to effectively help nature heal.

Webinar, January 14 - March 11, 2025
Optimal Human Beingness
Understanding and Evolving Your Four-Body System

This is the class you will wish you had taken as a child to prepare you for life as a human being! You will get valuable training to assist you in raising the vibration of all your systems and accelerating the balanced evolution of your soul. The foundational course that is a prerequisite to many other courses.

Ongoing Programs

Webinar Series:
Building Awareness
An advanced webinar training series that guides people into greater awareness in a step-by-step program of psychic development and spiritual evolution.

Mt Shasta Pyramid

Unique, powerful, spiritual energies in our 24 X 24 foot pyramid. By appointment only, groups and individuals, for meditation. Short visits and longer vision quests.

Initiations in the Order of Melchizedek
June 2024
(photo credit: Andabanahar)

Crystalline Eclipse Journey
April 2024 in Arkansas
(photo credit: Valerie Arnold)

Solstice in the Valley of Emergence
December 2023
(photo credit: Andabanahar)

Rocky Mountains
August 2023
(photo credit: Andabanahar)

May 2023
(photo credit: Andabanahar)

Center for Soul Evolution, PO Box 740, Mt Shasta, CA 96067 Email us